New Year Productivity: Our Top 10 Tips

There are a variety of ways you can kick start your New Year productivity! From getting stuck into a deep clean or finding a new hobby to diving into a 30-day challenge, there is something for you to clean, improve, or create!

At Boutique Lux, our guests have exclusive access to private, quiet, and relaxing abodes to encourage you to spend time on yourself. Even though you might not be able to stay with us at the moment, why not look at booking with us as a well-deserved treat post-lockdown?

In the meantime, there are many ways and things you can do to help your New Year productivity and to clear your headspace so that you can take on the world after lockdown!

1. Do a Deep Clean!

By Uniqueton Shots on UnSplash

There is nothing better to help clear your mind and help New Year productivity than to get stuck into a deep clean! You might have mounds of items that need sorting, organising, or possibly even need throwing out. You would be surprised how many things can accumulate and build up in cupboards or how many unused bath items can go unnoticed at the back of drawers. Sort through the rubble and you might find items you can sell or donate!

Take the time to declutter your home and try to tackle one room each day if you can. Your mind will definitely thank you for it!

2. Start a 30-day Challenge

By Waldemar Brandt on UnSplash

There is often no way around it, but December is definitely a very ‘extra’ month! You often spend ‘extra’ for presents, drink ‘extra’ with friends, eat ‘extra’ with family, and also stress ‘extra’ with all of your to-do lists, planning bullet points, and full calendar dates.

Let January become your detox month. Now, this doesn’t necessarily refer solely to alcohol purging or detox diets. Other 30-day challenges you can partake in can include exercise, meditation, money-saving, or even going vegetarian or vegan. Doing your bit in a challenge can have tremendous benefits for yourself and potentially even the world around you.

Find a list of 30-day challenges here

3. Purge Your Wardrobe

By Zoe van Poetsprins on UnSplash

We mentioned earlier about getting stuck into deep cleaning to help your New Year productivity, but why not also deep clean your wardrobe while you’re at it?

Whenever you buy new clothes, your old clothes could be pushed to the back of your wardrobe and become forgotten. Going through your clothes with a fine-tooth comb allows you to hook out the items that you no longer use and you could potentially sell these items on websites such as Vinted, or perhaps donate them to local charities?

4. Learn Something New

By Clarissa Watson on UnSplash

Have you always had something you wanted to learn but felt you never had the time? Why not use the beginning of the year as the perfect time to dive head-first into new knowledge?

Now, we aren’t saying that you have to read the entire works of Plato, be fluent in the Russian language or become Stephen Hawking come the 1st of February, but taking a little step is a great start. Perhaps include it in your 30-day challenge and you will be able to see how far you’ve come by the end of the month!

5. Start a New Hobby

By Sarah Brown on UnSplash

In addition to gaining general knowledge, why not gain a skill? Is there something that you have been wanting to try for a really long time but didn’t have the time, courage, or willpower? Why not start your New Year productivity with a new hobby that you can continue throughout the year? You might not stick to it, but at least you have had a go, and if you don’t like it – what have you really lost? Choose another hobby to try instead!

Take a look into painting, sewing, pottery, gardening, macrame, or even woodworking, if you feel like it!

6. Cook or Bake Something New

By Mike Kenneally on UnSplash

As well as learning a new hobby, why not learn a new recipe to cook or bake? Spring is just around the corner, so why not try some spring-themed bakes? Lemon drizzle cakes, mini-egg cookies, hot cross buns! Perhaps even get into slow cooking, make some delicious soups from scratch, or try baking your own bread!

The good news is that after cooking or baking – you get to eat it all! Even if the bakes don’t go fully to plan and they don’t look perfect, sometimes wonky bakes are the tastiest ones!

7. Clean Out Your Email

By Solen Feyissa on UnSplash

Something that is similarly mentally-cleansing as deep cleaning, is clearing out your emails! You might have a few, or even a few thousand, but sorting through your emails will allow you to become more organised and productive.

Deleted the junk, flag the important ones, and perhaps create folders to keep the senders and subjects organised so that they are easier to find at later dates. Sorting through your emails is something that you can spread out over time – try not to spend too much time in front of the computer screen at once!

8. Find and Organise Your Miscellaneous Papers

By Beatriz Perez Moya on UnSplash

While you are on a roll organising your space, wardrobe, and emails, why not take some time to organise your bills and receipts?

Yes, it might be an incredibly boring and tedious task, but you will be happy that you didn’t put it off, and it will make the rest of the years’ bill sorting a lot quicker and easier!

9. Read a Book on Your List

By Alfons Morales on UnSplash

Many of us have a long list of books that we hope to get around to reading someday – perhaps autobiographies, works of fiction, or even recipe books or how-to manuals! Whatever is on your list, perhaps take some time out each day to read a few chapters.

How we spend our downtime is important, and even though tv show binges might be entertaining, it might start to get tiresome. Immersing yourself in a different world or learning new skills through reading is a great way to spend your relaxation time. There are no harsh screens or loud noises, just you, a great book, and perhaps a warming cup of tea!

10. Find a New Way to Connect to Yourself

By Annie Spratt on UnSplash

The most important thing to do every day of every month of every year is to take care of yourself. Spend some time on you, your goals, and your mental health.

There are a variety of ways you can better connect to yourself, for example, through yoga, meditation, exercise, and self-care practices. Now more than ever, it is so important to look after our mental health and ourselves in a world that is stressful and unpredictable.

We are always here to help.

We hope this list has been informative and has given you the ideas you needed to help you kick start your New Year productivity!

Remember to check out our property The Retreat to experience exclusive, private sauna and Jacuzzi use to help you focus on your own self-care post-lockdown!

We are always on hand to offer any advice, to provide information, or to answer any queries you might have. Just get in touch below, and we will respond to your request as soon as possible!

Sending New Year wishes,

Team Boutique Lux

By Annie Spratt on UnSplash